Research Process from scratch to finish.
Research is a systematic approach gear towards solving a problem.
Research compose of two syllables which are Re and search. “Re” is a prefix meaning again and all over again.
“Search” means to examine closely or to test or to prove.
Together Re and Search form a noun describing a careful systematic patience study and investigation into some field of knowledge undertaking to establish fact or principles.
Role of Research in Education.
To identify and solve educational problems in a systematic way.
To add to existing knowledge or contribute to the educational process in a meaningful way.
To advance knowledge.
To increase understanding of educational phenomena.
To improve educational practices
For development and progress in the educational space.
The seven steps on the Research Process.
Choose a topic.
Identify that there is a problem.
Purpose /Research questions.
Designing the study.
Data analysis.
Interpret data
Step I:
Choosing a Topic : this begins with the researcher selecting a topic in a broad area of study.
Step II:
Fous Research Topic: the researcher narrows it down and focuses on a specific research area and then identifies the problem and raises research questions. There must be dissatisfaction, you must establish that the problem exist by exploratory study.
Step III:
Purpose/Research Questions: the researcher identify the objectives/intensions of carrying out that study using declarative statements and also the researcher changes the declarative statement in the purpose to an interrogative statement.
Step IV:
Designing the Study: the researcher plans how to carry out the specific study or research project. Issues such as design, sampling and instruments are decided upon. Area of study, types of design, sample and instrument you are going to use. Issues of sampling, research instruments, data collection this are design issues.
Step V:
Data Analysis:
Collating Data: the researcher uses his research instrument to collect data from the sample.
Analysing Data: Once the data is collected, the data is analysed to see the patterns that emerge.
Step VI:
Interpreting Data: The researcher uses the patterns that emerge to interpret the data.
Step VII:
Publish findings: Finally the researcher writes a report on the findings of the study.
This is a cyclical process and not linear process because it opens more problem.
Research does not abruptly end at step 7. It is an ongoing process hence at the end, one study often stimulates new thinking and fresh research questions, leading to other new studies.